What is a 3D Walkthrough?

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What is 3D walkthrough
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Explore a space before you visit it in person. Our 3D Walkthrough services will allow people to virtually “walk through” the facility to see and understand every perspective of any structure or facility, from the inside view, outside view, and miniature view to the view of a floor plan! 

3D walkthroughs are meant to communicate & deliver the complete picture of the factory with clarity, convenience & transparency. 

So, let us begin by understanding everything about 3D walkthroughs.

What is a 3D walkthrough?

First things first, 3D walkthrough comes with many other names such as virtual tour, 3D tour, 3D virtual tour, and digital walkthrough. 3D walkthrough technology encompasses a movable video highlighting every small detail of a structure or location. It allows the viewers to visualize the facility’s interiors while controlling their movement.

Also, FYI, walkthrough points are termed “hotspots” in a 3D walkthrough that highlights the locations within the virtual environment where viewers can stop, interact, or access any extra information they may need to know about the facility. 

Benefits of 3D walkthroughs in Industry Animation

Better interpretation than 2D

2D facility plans were a thing of the past as 2D deals with two dimensions: Width and Height. It is flat with no depth to the facility. 

However, 3D walkthroughs are meant to highlight the entire facility inside out along with all the details, where a viewer can easily see, understand, and analyze all the parts of the facility stepwise because all the visuals in the walkthrough are powerful, precise, and straightforward. Following that, plans created in 2D animation cannot offer the scope of correction, but plans created in 3D animation provide that benefit.

A clear understanding of the surroundings

One of the essential advantages of the 3D walkthrough is its ability to visualize the overall look of the facility because people want to know what the surroundings would look like when investing in a facility. 

Using our 3D visualization services, we create a detailed walkthrough of your facility in a manner that would make you feel like you are physically present there in the facility. This walkthrough will let you see the critical areas, landscape, textures, elevations, etc, precisely. 

It simplifies the process

With the adoption of this technology, there is no scope for confusion, errors, and delays right from the beginning. The reason is simple: 3D walkthroughs will alert you about what needs to be done, how, and when before actually implementing any of them in real life.

Also, this technology comes with a super detailing aspect, where you can easily zoom in and out every area of the facility that can be easily overlooked by 2D or any other traditional method. 

3D virtual tours of facilities that are yet to be built

Witness the entire facility, where you can quickly check the position of lines, processes, and fixed layouts. 

Understand and see where you can arrange machines and equipment within a factory with precision and transparency. The best part is that you can visualize everything by sitting in your place. 

3D walkthroughs across industries

1) Manufacturing Industry

3D walkthroughs in the manufacturing industry are the real game changers because they have changed how manufacturers idealize their factory plans; this technology makes it easy to see the facility before it is made. Days are gone when this industry used to rely heavily on 2D animation & blueprints. This virtual tour will create an experience to remember and take you towards every corner of the factory floor.   

Imagine virtually walking through your plant, witnessing the assembly line, and inspecting equipment placement from any angle. Sounds great, right? 

2) Construction Industry

The 3D walkthroughs will let you witness the complete replication of the actual project, where you will see each floor, critical area, elevation, landscape, and texture. 3D walkthroughs are practical in the construction industry because it has the potential to visualize the entire structure or location where you can easily see, observe, and understand the layout. Also, it has a huge role to play in marketing because it showcases a well-defined virtual tour of locations (offices, buildings, shopping centers, etc) that can help you conquer the market before anyone does. 

3) Architecture industry

The entire architectural industry can use the best advantage of 3D walkthroughs. For example, architects and builders use it to highlight designs of homes, apartments, office spaces, and villas as if the person is watching the spaces live. At the same time, interior designers can also best utilize it to display potential interior designs that mainly include light placements, furnishings, and color combinations.


3D walkthroughs shifted the perspective of how we see spaces- exploring a plant design virtually, checking the entire space, and getting a feel for the layout – all from the comfort of your chair.

Experience the power 3D walkthroughs for your project with Arise Engineering Services because we are the leading provider of 3D walkthrough services holistically. 

About the Author
Alpesh Patel
Alpesh Patel is a highly skilled and versatile 3D Artist with 15 years of experience, specializing in industrial animations. As the Technical Director of Arise Engineering Services, he excels in creating realistic and captivating visualizations of complex manufacturing processes. He combines artistic talent with technical proficiency and design engineering to produce animations that exceed client expectations and bring manufacturing concepts to life.
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      Mr. Alpesh Patel


      For the last 12 years, He has been pursuing a passion for creating visually stunning 3D product animations & renders for a variety of different industries. He specializes in how to take generic 3D CAD & engineering models to the highest possible level. He studied Mechanical Engineering, very quick to grasp the technical details of a customer’s product. Part of the enjoyment of doing this type of work is learning about innovative new technologies as he is bringing them to real life.

      Mr. Alpesh Patel
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      Mr. Rupesh Rajyaguru


      Our founder, Mr Rupesh Rajyaguru, offers a unique blend of engineering and digital design & marketing experience. An engineering background derived from a degree in mechanical engineering and over 15 years of 3D Software Sales experience at the highest level, perfectly positioned to provide support to clients in the 3D CAD software, technical and engineering animation arena.

      Mr. Rupesh Rajyaguru